waders| Do you need to press on the clutch and brake at the same time when a car ignites?


Does the car need to press the clutch and brake at the same time during ignition?WadersIs an issue of concern to many car owners. Today,WadersLet's discuss this topic in detail.

First, block the car manually

For manual transmission (manual gear) cars, it is necessary to press the clutch when starting. This is because if the manual block car does not press the clutch during ignition, the car may wear out the engine because the clutch is not completely separated, or the car suddenly rushes forward at the moment of ignition, causing safety risks.

At the same time, hitting the brakes depends on the design of the car. Some cars need to hit the brakes at the same time during ignition to avoid sudden driving during ignition, while others do not. It also needs to be operated according to the instructions of the vehicle manufacturer.

Second, automatic car

For the automatic transmission (automatic gear) car, whether it needs to press the clutch and brake at the same time during ignition needs to be judged according to the type and design of the car.

oneWaders. For automatic with torque converter (automatic gear with torque converter) cars, there is no need to press the clutch during ignition, because its transmission system is protected by hydraulic torque converter to avoid engine wear. However, for safety reasons, it is recommended to hit the brakes before ignition.

twoWaders. For dual-clutch transmission (dual clutch automatic gear) cars, you need to press the clutch (or brake) during ignition, because the dual clutch automatic gear is designed to prevent engine wear or accidental driving, you need to press the clutch or brake to start.

waders| Do you need to press on the clutch and brake at the same time when a car ignites?

The following is a comparative table of whether manual and automatic cars need to press the clutch and brake during ignition:

Whether the type of car needs to press the clutch, whether it needs to brake manually, the car needs to be automatic according to the car design (equipped with torque converter), it is not recommended to step on the double clutch automatic gear.

In short, whether the car needs to press the clutch and brake at the same time needs to be judged according to the type and design of the car. In practice, the owner should operate correctly according to the instructions in the vehicle manual to ensure the safety of the car and the life of the engine.