pokerking| Aokang·WIN Coffee Night's specially invited VIP reception came to a successful conclusion, and the Chinese brand growth plan was launched!


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This article comes from: financial circles

When the huge waves are surging, we can see the soul of the hero. The 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival, the largest, most valuable and influential annual event in China's commercial real estate and retail chain industry, sponsored by the winner's website, was held in Guangzhou with the theme of "long Wind and waves". The top 100 commercial real estate and retail business celebrities gathered together with the ambition and momentum of "long winds and waves" to open up new thinking, stimulate new changes, and jointly demonstrate the resilient growth of Chinese commerce.

On the evening of May 15th, Aokang Group joined hands with the 19th China Commercial Real Estate Festival to hold the "Aokang WIN Ka Night invited VIP reception". Elites from commercial brands, commercial real estate, partners and other industries from all over the country gathered together to witness the launching ceremony of the Chinese brand growth plan and contribute to the future development of Chinese brands.

The reception kicked off with melodious music, leading every guest into the chapter of Yue Ruge. Wu Chuanqian, chairman of winner tech and vice president of China Chamber of Commerce, delivered an opening speech. Wu Chuanqian pointed out that the Aokang Group, together with the winner tech, is another important measure for the two sides to unite and seek common development, and the two sides will further give full play to their respective advantages and jointly promote the healthy development of China's commercial real estate industry.

Subsequently, Wang Zhentao, chairman of Aokang Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., shared the glorious history and innovative thinking of the Aokang brand with the theme of "the Road of comfort, working with one mind".

Wang Zhentao stressed that under the great changes that have not occurred in the current century, enterprises need to keep pace with the times, establish awareness of the opportunity, seize the trend, and keep pace with the trend. He proposed that enterprises should shift their attention from performance-to-price ratio to price-to-price ratio, that is, from price competition to value competition and the pursuit of higher quality products and services.

"there is no off-season market, only off-season awareness." He mentioned that despite the current economic downturn, domestic national brands are rising, and Aokang, as one of them, will continue to explore the blue sea channel, occupy the mental highland, tell a good brand story, and convey the brand concept.

Wang Zhentao encourages enterprises to actively face market changes and overcome challenges through innovation and adaptation. as he stressed in his concluding remarks, "Life grows because of pursuing dreams, and enterprises excel because of adhering to dreams."

Next, Ms. Zhou Ting, director of the Institute and a luxury goods expert, delivered a keynote speech entitled "winning over High-end Chinese Retail 5."Pokerking0 ", sharing the latest observations of the retail industry.

Zhou Ting pointed out that China's high-end market has great potential. Chinese brands should build up high-end brand confidence and adhere to the high-end brand route in order to gain a place in the future competition with international luxury brands. She stressed that branding is a professional technology, and the core reason why there are no luxury brands in China is that brand operation expertise needs to be improved. "VIP 108 high-end brand alliance not only improves the support of the high-end methodology of Chinese brands." it will also empower Chinese brands in channels, communications and customers.

pokerking| Aokang·WIN Coffee Night's specially invited VIP reception came to a successful conclusion, and the Chinese brand growth plan was launched!

Zhou Ting also called on commercial real estate to provide more support for the development of Chinese brands. "Chinese brands are developing upward and have a bright future!" I believe that with the joint efforts of all parties, Chinese brands will certainly achieve greater success and win greater respect in the international market. "

The most exciting part of the reception was the official launch of the Chinese brand growth program. The China Brand growth Plan is initiated by win Shopping Network and works with the owners of high-quality shopping centers in China. It aims to tap the resilient, sustainable and responsible Chinese brands in the shopping center carrier, and work with all parties to tell Chinese brand stories and show Chinese brands.

Amid warm applause, Wang Zhentao, Chairman of Wangkang Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., Wu Chuanji, Chairman of winner tech, Chen Deli, Co-President of Baolong Real Estate, Ding Liye, Chairman of India Power Group, Yang Guodong, Chairman of Yuehai Tianhecheng Group, and Zhou Ting, Executive Chairman of VIP 108-China High-end Brand Alliance, jointly unveiled the Chinese brand growth plan. This marks a new level of strategic cooperation between Aokang Group and the winner tech, and also marks a new stage in the development of Chinese brands. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, Chinese brands will usher in a more brilliant future.

With the successful conclusion of the receptionPokerkingWe have reason to believe that Chinese brands will continue to shine more brilliantly in the new era with their unique charm. As an active participant and promoter of this process, Aokang Group will write a more brilliant chapter on the commercial stage in the future.