evocom| Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.(01053.HK): Sheng Xuejun, Guo Jiebin and Tang Ping were nominated as candidates for independent non-executive directors


evocom| Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.(01053.HK): Sheng Xuejun, Guo Jiebin and Tang Ping were nominated as candidates for independent non-executive directors

Gelonghui May 20 丨 Chongqing Iron and Steel (01053evocom.HK) AnnouncementevocomThe terms of office of the current directors and supervisors of the company's board of directors are about to expire. Mr. Xie Zhixiong, Mr. Song De 'an, Mr. Meng Wenwang, Mr. Zou An and Mr. Zhou Ping were nominated as candidates for non-independent directors of the 10th board of directors of the company. Mr. Sheng Xuejun, Mr. Guo Jiebin and Ms. Tang Ping were nominated as candidates for independent non-executive directors of the 10th board of directors of the company. In addition, Mr. Wu Xiaoping, Mr. Li Huaidong and Mr. Zhu Xing 'an were nominated as candidates for shareholder representative supervisors of the 10th Supervisory Committee of the Company. The nomination of director candidates was reviewed and approved at the board meeting held in writing on May 20, 2024, and the nomination of supervisor candidates was reviewed and approved at the board meeting held in writing on the same day. Candidates for directors and supervisors will be submitted to the 2023 Annual General Meeting for review. The term of office of the above-mentioned candidates for directors and supervisors is three years, calculated from the date of review and approval at the annual general meeting.