gamecoinnft| Mao Weiming investigated the construction of intelligent measuring weighing instrument industrial park in Hengyang


Transferred from: people's Government of Hunan Province

Mao Weiming investigated the construction of intelligent weighing instrument industrial park in Hengyang.

"call Tian Junwu" cultivate new quality   to build a park with high quality and high efficiency

On May 20, Mao Weiming, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, came to Hengyang City to inspect and investigate the construction of intelligent weighing instrument industrial park.GamecoinnftHe stressed: it is necessary to learn and thoroughly understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Hunan's important speeches and instructions, do a good job in the landmark articles of the word "Heng", cultivate new growth points, such as the intelligent weighing instrument industry, and develop new productive forces in line with local conditions. Efforts should be made to create advanced manufacturing business cards that have a status and influence in the country.

Provincial leaders Chen Fei and Cao Zhiqiang, and qu Hai, secretary general of the provincial government, attended the relevant activities.

Weighing instrument testing and raw materials, process equipment are also called the three pillars of modern industrial production. Hengshan "should Beidou Yuheng", where the wings of the stars, "change should be balanced, like a weighing instrument, can be called heaven and earth." Since the beginning of this year, Hengyang has promoted the organic combination of the word "Heng" landmark and modern industry, vigorously developed the intelligent weighing instrument industry, and cultivated new productivity according to local conditions.

gamecoinnft| Mao Weiming investigated the construction of intelligent measuring weighing instrument industrial park in Hengyang

On the occasion of the 25th World Metrology Day, Mao Weiming and his party walked into the construction site of the intelligent weighing instrument industrial park and held an on-site forum to promote the development of the park. He said that the construction of an intelligent weighing instrument industrial park in Hengyang has distinct geographical indications, a long history, a solid industrial foundation and broad market prospects. In 2023, the operating income of the national instrument manufacturing industry 1Gamecoinnft.01 trillion yuan, an increase of 4% over the same period last year, with a strong momentum of industrial development. Since the construction of the intelligent weighing instrument industrial park was launched in February this year, the relevant units have acted "fast", coordinated "good" and achieved "solid" results. At present, 11 enterprises have been attracted to settle in the first batch of enterprises, and substantial progress has been made in the construction of the industrial park.

Mao Weiming pointed out: in order to promote the construction of the park with high quality and high efficiency, we should focus on the "four threes." Adhere to the "three clear" to find the right target positioning. Make clear the overall thinking, the direction of the industry, the goal of construction, aim at the forefront of the international measurement industry, and form leading products of new equipment, such as weighing instruments, measuring tools, measuring instruments, and so on. plan and build a professional park that integrates measurement testing and certification, R & D and design, production and exhibition, to ensure that enterprises will enter production within one year, and basically perfect industrial chains and industrial clusters will be formed within three years. Strive to create advanced manufacturing business cards with status and influence in the country. Adhere to the "three plans" to lead the development of the park. In accordance with the concept of "three-life integration and three-state coordination", we should do a good job in overall planning, optimize spatial planning, make specific plans, and promote regional centralization, industrial clusters, and development intensification. Adhere to the "three high-end" to create characteristic advantages. Launch high-end weighing and measuring products, create high-end equipment manufacturing, carry out high-end modern measurement services, and continue to cultivate rooted and characteristic industrial chains. Adhere to the "three integration" to build industrial ecology. Accelerate the "integration of the two industries" of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, promote the "integration of three industries" of industry, industrial chain and industrial ecology, and improve the "four-chain integration" of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain. Enhance the comprehensive strength and development competitiveness of the park.

Mao Weiming pointed out that the construction of an intelligent weighing instrument industrial park is a major event in the construction of the province's modern industrial system. It is necessary to strengthen coordination, strengthen pragmatic docking, strengthen the guarantee of elements, strengthen brand publicity, and speed up building the intelligent weighing instrument industry into a new important growth point of the province's economy.

(photo by Sun Minjian / Liu Shangwen / tr. by Phil Newell)