freespinsnowagering2022| Henan Sendi Environmental Protection and Henan Kaijie Water Treatment Co-produced metallurgical coke quoted at 1900 yuan/ton


News summary

Henan coke market quotes are stablefreespinsnowagering2022, the prices of quasi-primary metallurgical coke and secondary metallurgical coke are both reported at 1900 yuan/ton, and market supply and demand continue to be balanced.

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The latest market coke quote announced

freespinsnowagering2022| Henan Sendi Environmental Protection and Henan Kaijie Water Treatment Co-produced metallurgical coke quoted at 1900 yuan/ton

According to the latest data, the prices of quasi-primary metallurgical coke and secondary metallurgical coke in Henan are stable at 1900 yuan/ton. This price information involves two companies, Henan Sendi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and Henan Kaijie Water Treatment Co., Ltd. The delivery locations of coke are all located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, meeting local market demand.