freeslotspoker| Financial Early Participation| In May, many banks suspended cardless withdrawal services


NOFreeslotspoker.1 A number of banks suspend card-free withdrawal services in May

A few days ago, the Bank of Communications announced on its website that in order to promote the high-quality development of its business and strengthen risk management, the Bank of Communications stopped the reservation and withdrawal service in the card-free withdrawal function of personal mobile banks on May 24. It is reported that in May, the Agricultural Bank and Citic Bank (601998) also announced the adjustment of the card-free withdrawal service.

In early May, the Agricultural Bank of China (601288) announced the suspension of cash withdrawing without card on its official website. According to the announcement, the Agricultural Bank of China suspended its card-free withdrawal service from May 9. Citic Bank said in a notice on its website on May 16 that it would turn off the cash self-service equipment authorization code withdrawal function from May 17.

All three banks said that after the suspension of the above services, customers can still withdraw money by reading cards, scanning codes, and facial scanning, or go to cash self-service equipment and business outlets with bank cards to handle cash withdrawal related business. In addition, for some time, a number of banks, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China (601988), Construction Bank, Postal savings Bank and so on, have also adjusted their card-free withdrawal services to varying degrees.

Comments: from the position of a number of banks, the move is mainly out of financial security and risk prevention considerations. Customer capital security, bank risk prevention and control and cost reduction are the main considerations for commercial banks to adjust card-free withdrawal services. In the follow-up, it is expected that some banks will follow up on the adjustment of card-free deposit and withdrawal business. Some bank staff revealed that some criminals had taken advantage of the loophole in the deposit of the ATM QR code to take pictures of the relevant QR code and send it to contacts in various places to operate the deposit remotely. As a result, major banks have gradually turned off some of the functions of card-free deposits and withdrawals on ATM machines.

NO.2 Beijing Medical Insurance Bureau: conducting online payment testing for over-the-counter drugs on the platforms of and Meituan

On May 26th, the Beijing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau released news that in order to further meet the needs of the public for convenient medical services and to facilitate the city's insured personnel to use their personal medical insurance accounts to purchase drugs online, the bureau is organizing and Meituan two drug purchase platforms to test the online payment system for over-the-counter drugs.FreeslotspokerStrive to access more than 200 designated retail pharmacies of health insurance on July 1, 2024, and begin to formally provide services to the insured.

Comments: the online payment system for over-the-counter drugs is being tested, which indicates that the facilitation and intelligence of health insurance services are coming to us. By working with third-party platforms such as and Meituan, the online payment of health insurance can save a lot of queuing time and greatly improve the user experience of the service. The organic combination of traditional medical insurance payment and modern e-commerce platform is not only the use of cutting-edge technology, but also an optimization of the original medical resources.

NO.3 Federal Reserve Governor Waller: us long-term equilibrium real interest rates may rise in the future

freeslotspoker| Financial Early Participation| In May, many banks suspended cardless withdrawal services

On the 24th local time, Federal Reserve Governor Waller said that long-term equilibrium real interest rates in the United States have fallen in the past 40 years, but may rise in the future. Waller believes that due to the growing US fiscal deficit and debt, the supply of treasury bonds may exceed demand, leading to an increase in long-term equilibrium real interest rates in the near future or in the next few years.

On the near-term outlook for monetary policy, Mr Waller said that while the US consumer price index in April was a "reassuring signal", inflation had made little progress. In the absence of obvious weakness in the labour market, inflation data need to maintain good momentum for several months before the Fed can "relax its monetary policy stance".

Waller believes that the current level of the federal funds rate will help ease inflation, so raising interest rates "may not be necessary". He predicted that US economic growth could slow based on economic data from the past month.

Comments: long-term equilibrium real interest rate is a theoretical concept. In macroeconomics, it refers to the level of interest rate that neither stimulates nor suppresses the economy. There are many reasons for the rise in long-term equilibrium real interest rates, one of which is the huge deficit of the US government. The continued expansion of the US fiscal deficit and debt has led to subtle changes in the supply and demand pattern of treasury bonds, and the rise in long-term equilibrium real interest rates is expected to increase.