powerballwinningnumberstoday| The military industry sector is so strong today, what is the lack of information?


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Source: every bull's eye

On May 7, the market fluctuated throughout the day, with the three major indexes rising and falling. As of the close, the Prev is up 0%.Powerballwinningnumberstoday.22%, the Shenzhen Index fell 0.08%, and the gem Index fell 0.14%.

In terms of the plate, dyes, satellite navigation, synthetic biology, chemicals and other plates led the increase, while the ST plate, education, home appliances, automobiles and other plates led the decline.

On the whole, stocks rose more than fell less, and more than 3000 stocks rose in the whole market. The turnover on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today is 968.7 billion, which is 133.8 billion less than that of the previous trading day, and the turnover has dropped below trillion yuan.

Northbound funds sold 2.14 billion yuan net throughout the day, of which Shanghai shares sold 351 million yuan and Shenzhen stocks sold 1.789 billion yuan.

The market rose sharply yesterday, and teacher Zheng gave a judgment on the "Zheng Eye Kanpan" after trading.

"A-share short-term performance is good, but there is a short gap, which may temporarily hinder some investors to further increase their positions."

Sure enough, the market volume has shrunk significantly today, with the trillion-dollar turnover falling to 950 billion yuan for many days in a row, and the upward attack of the index has been weakened.

However, the overall atmosphere is still good, and the three major indexes turned red in the afternoon, which further confirmed teacher Zheng's point of view:

"in most cases, the gap may be filled in the short term. In terms of operation, taking into account the improvement of fundamentals, policy and other factors, it is recommended that investors take a long line of thinking, even if they do not catch up in the short term, they should generally take advantage of the decline in the stock index to cover their positions. "

Yesterday, another author concerned about the big V also sighed: stock speculation is always all kinds of pain, when the market is bad, in entanglement can buy; when the market is good, in entanglement what can buy.

It believes that:

The general situation is fine. Now in the emotional rising stage of the general trend, then it naturally means that a hundred flowers blossom.

In the market where a hundred flowers blossom, logical active plates will not be easy A, and will be performed more actively in accordance with their respective rhythms.


The more this time, the more can not just stare at the rising look, look at the logic is still in the deduction, and in the divergence.

Always look at the current rise, then it is doomed to catch up with the best part.

In addition, due to the overall improvement of the market, many stock logic will also have a good deductive space.

On the whole, if the continuous decline in the market at the beginning of the year mainly exercises the belief and mentality of investors, then now the market will test investors' ability to invest in research, or their understanding of logic.

Let's make it simple-take advantage of the good market, you can try and make mistakes and polish the trading model.

This is the end of metaphysics, and let's go back to the surface.

According to the industry index, the strongest A-share sector today is the military industry (although the chemical sector is not weak).

Among the constituent stocks, there are also a lot of people who rise by the limit.

Just look at the 20cm trading limit of a few, some investors may think: is not a low-level economy, military information technology speculation again?

In the previous push, we also mentioned that there is a connection between low altitude and military industry.

So it is reasonable to understand it in this way.

In early trading today, the low-altitude economy / flying car sector competed for a position with the concept of synthetic biology, which rose sharply two days ago, and the time-sharing trend obviously fluctuated one after another. In the afternoon, the trend of the two plates tends to be positively related again.

However, it should be pointed out that among the major conceptual branches of the military industrial plate, today's low-altitude economy is not in the lead. The top gainers are military informatization, general aviation, large aircraft, satellite navigation, and so on.

Therefore, a more reasonable explanation is that today's military industrial plate is as a whole strong.

Even in the field of ETF, there are also a number of military, national defense, high-end equipment and other theme products led the rise.

Compared with other A-share plates, the military industrial plate usually appears more "mysterious", which is reflected in the low frequency of information update and greater barriers to the research of the military industry by investors.

So today is strong against the trend, is there any possible information gap?

It is safer to invest by telling facts and logic.

1) the first flight of the long March 6C carrier rocket was successful.

According to CCTV news, today, China successfully launched the long March 6C carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite launch Center, carrying Neptune 01, Zhi Xing-1 C, wide-width optical satellite and high-score video satellite into the scheduled orbit smoothly, and the flight test mission was a complete success.

It is understood that this mission is a "carpool" launch mission carried out by the long six C rocket through commercial auction, and it is also the first public auction of the launch service of China's long March series of carrier rockets.

2) Shanghai Hankun bid-winning Leo satellite constellation communication simulation and verification platform project

Some investors noticed in the morning that the "Leo Satellite Constellation Communication Simulation and Verification platform Project package II: Leo Satellite Constellation system Simulation Parameter configuration Module and Protocol Module Development bid result announcement" announced on May 6 that Shanghai Hankun Information Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid.

However, unlike the new aviation technology and Andaville, which sealed the board early in the morning, Shanghai Hankun did not suddenly close the board until 01:19 in the afternoon, and the last plate was blown open.

powerballwinningnumberstoday| The military industry sector is so strong today, what is the lack of information?

3) the order quantity of large aircraft C919 is full

Since the beginning of this year, C919 large airliners have signed large orders one after another. At the end of April, China Southern Airlines and Air China successively issued announcements and signed an agreement with Commercial aircraft Corporation of China to purchase 100 C919 aircraft from Comac respectively.

Jinpeng Airlines also announced in April that it plans to complete the introduction of a total of 30 C919 aircraft by the end of 2027. According to Jinpeng Airlines, according to the aircraft introduction plan, it will receive its first C919 aircraft in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Affected by the successive announcement of large orders, there has also been an increase in the number of investors' questions about large aircraft on the interactive platform recently.

According to the Weibo news of the aviation industry, recently, the General Institute of Aviation Industry Planning won the bid for C919 large airliner production conditions and capacity (Phase II) construction project. After the completion of the project, it will meet the future batch production demand of C919 large aircraft, and provide a strong guarantee for the commercial operation and market competition of domestic large aircraft.

4) the low-altitude economy is indeed good.

Morgan Stanley's rating report covers Ehang Intelligence for the first time, with an overweight rating and the latest target price is US$27.50. Affected by this news, Ihang Intelligent U.S. stocks surged nearly 11% overnight, and trading volume surged more than 200% compared with the previous trading day.

Statistics released by the Chongqing Economic and Information Technology Commission on official Weibo show that during the "2024 First Chongqing Low-altitude Flight Consumption Week" held from April 30 to May 5, the city signed a total of 17 low-altitude economic intention agreements with an agreed investment amount of 2 billion yuan.

AVIC Securities said that the military industry is still in a big boom cycle, and it is currently a small cycle among the big cycles. In 2024, the military industry's demand will pick up and its performance will recover. It may now become a phased low. The trend of the military industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" will show a "V shape" with the front, high, low and high.

It said that it is concerned about investment opportunities in new areas such as unmanned equipment, satellite Internet, and electronic countermeasures. Pay attention to "large military industry" investment opportunities in military-civilian integration fields such as civil aircraft, low-altitude economy, military trade, information security, and commercial aerospace.