blockchainmonsterhuntnft| Sandstorm! Thunderstorms and strong winds! Hail! Strong convective weather is coming! Emergency reminder from the meteorological department


Source: CCTV Finance and Economics

On May 12, heavy rainfall occurred in some areas such as Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan Island. In the next three days, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hainan Island and other places are concerned that local heavy rainfall may causeBlockchainmonsterhuntnftSecondary disasters ofBlockchainmonsterhuntnftInner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi and other places pay attention to the impact of sand and dust weather on human health and traffic travel.

December 12, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan Island and other places

There is heavy rainfall in some areas.

From 8: 00 p.m. to 6: 00 today, heavy rain or torrential rain occurred in south-central Zhejiang, northeast and southwest Fujian, southern Jiangxi, central and western Guangdong, southeastern Guangxi, and eastern Hainan Island. Qingyuan, Yangjiang and Maoming, Guangdong. Hainan Qionghai and Ledong and other local torrential rain (100mm 120 mm), the maximum hourly rainfall in the above areas is 30mm / 85mm. In addition, there were 7-8 gusts and 9-10 gusts in eastern Xinjiang, western Gansu, central Qinghai, eastern Inner Mongolia and other areas.

There is heavy rainfall in South China, Southwest and other places.

It is expected that in the next three days, there will be heavy rain in eastern Yunnan, southwest Guizhou, western Guangxi, eastern and southern Hainan Island, and torrential rain (50-90 mm) in southwestern Guizhou, western Guangxi and eastern Hainan Island. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20,50mm, the local rainfall can be more than 60mm), and there are local thunderstorms, strong winds or hail and other strong convective weather.

From 08:00 to 08:00 on May 13, there was moderate to heavy rain in eastern Yunnan, the coast of southwestern Guangdong, Hainan Island and the northern part of Taiwan Island. Among them, there was heavy rain (50mm to 90mm) in the eastern part of Hainan Island. There will be winds of force 4 and 6 in central and northwest Inner Mongolia, southwest of Heilongjiang, Liaodong Peninsula, southern Xinjiang basin and Hexi of Gansu, among which there will be winds of force 7 and 8 in parts of eastern Xinjiang; there will be winds of force 7 and gust 8 in the Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, the southern part of the East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the ocean east of Taiwan, the Bashi Strait and the northern South China Sea. There are blowing sand or floating dust weather and local sandstorms in the southern Xinjiang basin, western Inner Mongolia and northern Gansu.

From 08:00 to 08:00 on May 14, moderate to heavy rain occurred in the southeastern part of the southwest, northwest Guangxi, Hainan Island, and the eastern part of Taiwan Island. Among them, there was torrential rain (50 to 90 mm) in southwestern Guizhou and southeastern Hainan Island. Most of Inner Mongolia, northeast Heilongjiang, Gansu Hexi, Shanxi and other parts of the wind, among them, western Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi and other parts of the wind 6-7; Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait, most of the Yellow Sea, Taiwan Strait, the northern part of the South China Sea will have 5-7 winds, gust 8. There are sand and dust weather in southern and eastern Xinjiang, central and western Inner Mongolia, central and western Gansu and Ningxia, and local sandstorms in western Inner Mongolia.

From 08:00 to 08:00 on May 15, moderate to heavy rain occurred in the southeastern part of the southwest, southeastern Yunnan, western Guangxi, Hainan Island and other areas. Torrential rain (50,80mm) occurred in southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, and southeastern Hainan Island. There will be winds of force 5 to 7 and gust 8 in the Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, most of the Yellow Sea, the southern East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the northern part of the South China Sea.

blockchainmonsterhuntnft| Sandstorm! Thunderstorms and strong winds! Hail! Strong convective weather is coming! Emergency reminder from the meteorological department

The meteorological risk of geological disasters in southern Yunnan is high.

Pay attention to strengthening prevention

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological risk warning for geological disasters: it is estimated that by 8: 00 p.m. on the 13th, the meteorological risk of geological disasters in some areas of southern Yunnan is relatively high, which is a yellow warning.

At the same time, the Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological warning of blue mountain torrents: it is expected that mountain torrents may occur in central Hainan Island, southern Yunnan and other places by 8: 00 this evening. Other areas may also cause mountain torrents due to local short-term heavy precipitation. Local residents are asked to pay attention to the prevention of disasters caused by precipitation, especially in the vicinity of hidden disaster areas.