65bonuspoker| Moutai bid farewell to the era of airborne troops. Why is Zhang Deqin the new leader?


Source: enterprise Observer

Over the past few days65bonuspokerThe news of Maotai's change of coach became an earthquake-magnitude event in the liquor industry.

On the evening of April 29, Maotai announced that Zhang Deqin, former chairman of Xijiu, took over as the ninth chairman of Maotai, and Ding Xiongjun, former chairman, was transferred to director of Guizhou Provincial Market Supervision Administration (Guizhou Provincial intellectual property Office).

Zhang Deqin, 52, specializes in fermentation engineering in college, has worked in Maotai for many years and has accumulated profound grass-roots experience and management skills in the wine industry.

In other words, Maotai ushered in a new leader who is well versed in industry technology. What kind of signal does his return send to the outside world? What new development opportunities will it bring to Maotai?


Change handsome four times in six years

Since May 2018, Maotai Group has changed its coach four times.

Li Baofang took over as head of Maotai after the Yuan Renguo incident in 2018. Faced with the problem that Maotai prices are out of control, Li Baofang adopted iron-handed measures to rectify dealers, implemented the strategy of "quantity control and price control", severely cracked down on price-raising behavior, and punished illegal dealers. At the same time, he also promoted channel reform and internal rectification. During Li Baofang's tenure, Maotai's performance improved significantly, becoming the first 100 billion-class wine company.

In March 2020, Gao Weidong took over as chairman of Maotai and devoted himself to controlling prices and stabilizing the city and promoting the construction of direct sales channels.

However, his price control measures, such as the "unpacking order", were not successful. on the contrary, the price of Maotai soared and caused market chaos. At the same time, Maotai experienced many disturbances and disputes during his term of office. Although Gao Weidong has driven the revenue growth of Maotai direct sales channel, the growth rate of Maotai's performance has slowed significantly. In August 2021, Gao Weidong stepped down as chairman of Maotai and was sentenced to life imprisonment for accepting bribes. His tenure at Maotai is only 17 months, making it the shortest tenure in charge since going public.

On August 30, 2021, Ding Xiongjun, former party secretary and director of Guizhou Energy Bureau, was appointed to take over the post of chairman of Maotai in the face of danger.

In the face of the slowing down of Maotai's performance, after Ding Xiongjun took office, he immediately cancelled the "unpacking order" and took the route of "being close to the people", deliberately reducing Maotai's superior posture.

In the past, Maotai was a shrine to both investors in the capital market and consumers in the consumer market.

At the welcome dinner before the shareholders' meeting in 2022, Ding Xiongjun and Li Jingren, then general manager of Maotai Group, and other senior executives went to each table for a toast, and Ding Xiongjun also communicated with the shareholders attending the meeting. The most interesting scene is that after the shareholders' meeting, many investors still did not leave, but gathered around Ding Xiongjun to ask for an autograph and a group photo. Compared with Gao Weidong, the former chairman of the shareholder meeting in 2019, Ding Xiongjun successfully reversed the arrogant image of Guizhou Moutai in the minds of shareholders.

Maotai 1935, launched in early 2022, was thought at the beginning of its listing to help Feitian Moutai, which has been hovering above 2000 yuan for a long time, to fill the gap in the 1000-yuan price band and compete with a large number of famous wines for market share because of the price of 1188 yuan per bottle.

In March 2022, I Maotai officially launched, I Maotai launched a direct sale of 399 yuan 100ml 53 degrees Feitian Maotai, but also because the price of 5 bottles of 100ml actually reached 1995 yuan, exceeding the suggested retail price of 1499 yuan per bottle of 500ml, it is considered to be a trial of a breakthrough in the market price of Maotai.

In May 2022, Maotai and Mengniu jointly produced Maotai ice cream. Guiyang Maotai ice cream flagship store opened for sale for 7 hours, with sales exceeding 200000. On the same day, 40, 000 Maotai ice creams were sold out in APP,51 minutes, with sales of more than 2.5 million yuan.

In September last year, Maotai partnered with Luckin Coffee to launch a Maotai latte, setting a new record for the latter, with first-day sales exceeding 5.42 million cups and first-day sales exceeding 100m yuan, triggering a trend for many existing tea brands to launch alcoholic beverages.

When Ding Xiongjun was in charge of Guizhou Moutai for 32 months, the outside world gave three positive comments, that is, rapid growth in performance, effective adjustment of channel structure and rejuvenation.

In 2021, Maotai achieved an operating income of 1094.65bonuspoker.64 billion yuan, with a net profit of 52.46 billion yuan, an increase of 11.71 percent and 12.34 percent over the same period last year. In 2022 and 2023, the company's operating income was 127.554 billion yuan and 150.56 billion yuan respectively, a year-on-year growth rate of 16.53% and 18.04%, and net profit of 62.716 billion yuan and 74.734 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth rate of 19.55% and 19.16% respectively. The performance has accelerated significantly in the past two years.

According to the goal of Maotai Group's 14th five-year Plan to become one of the top 500s in the world, according to statistics under the normal economic environment, its annual income should reach 200 billion yuan.

With the departure of Ding Xiongjun, the task will be transferred to his successor, Zhang Deqin.


Advantages and challenges

Under the background of fierce competition in liquor market and changeable consumer demand, Zhang Deqin's return is not only a signal of personnel adjustment within Maotai Group, but also a relayout of Maotai's future development strategy.

In the eyes of the outside world, Zhang Deqin's resume in Maotai is also the basis for his return to Maotai.

Zhang Deqin is a "Maotai native" who has grown up from the front line. Having served in the liquor industry for more than 20 years, Zhang Deqin has been appraised by the outside world because of his strong enterprising spirit, vigorous action and high prestige in enterprise management.

Since Zhang Deqin joined Maotai Group in 1995, he has gradually come to the fore from the most basic production and brewing work. During his more than ten years of experience at the grass-roots level of Maotai Group, he has an in-depth understanding and unique insight into the production, management and market of Maotai. This also laid a solid foundation for his subsequent career.

In the course of the development of Maotai, Zhang Deqin served as the chairman of Xi Liquor Company. During his tenure in Xi Jiu, he showed a pragmatic and steady management style. He not only made in-depth adjustments to the market positioning and product strategy of Xijiu, but also led the sales volume of Xijiu from 1 billion yuan to 10 billion yuan track through a series of marketing means. The results proved Zhang Deqin's ability.

For Zhang Deqin, the pressure is self-evident from trading moxiu, which has more than 20 billion sales revenue, to Maotai, which dominates a total revenue of more than 160 billion yuan and wears a number of halos such as "liquor leader" and "A-share king". First of all, during the term of office of Gao Weidong, the internal management problems caused by various disputes need to be solved urgently. In addition, with the deep adjustment of the liquor industry, he is also facing a lot of challenges and pressure. How to achieve balance and development in stabilizing internal management, dealing with market competition and meeting consumer demand will be a problem that Zhang Deqin needs to consider and solve in the future.

Zhang Deqin's advantages are also obvious. He has an in-depth understanding and rich experience of Maotai's development history, management logic and market conditions. This means that he can adapt to the new role more quickly and solve the problems facing Maotai more effectively. In addition, Zhang Deqin's pragmatic and steady management style also enables him to maintain a calm and clear head in the complex and changeable market environment, and formulate a more reasonable and feasible strategy for the future development of Maotai.

65bonuspoker| Moutai bid farewell to the era of airborne troops. Why is Zhang Deqin the new leader?

In a word, the transfer of Zhang Deqin to chairman of Maotai is an important moment in the history of Maotai's development. His appointment is not only an affirmation of his personal ability, but also an expectation for the future development of Maotai Group.