cryptoshooterplaytoearn| C Ruidi received a net purchase of 5.2448 million yuan from institutions on the first day


Securities Times Newscryptoshooterplaytoearn, GEM new stock C Ruidi (301596) closed up 167% on its first day of listingcryptoshooterplaytoearn.79%cryptoshooterplaytoearn, two institutions made the list, with net purchases of 524cryptoshooterplaytoearn.480,000 yuan.

cryptoshooterplaytoearn| C Ruidi received a net purchase of 5.2448 million yuan from institutions on the first day

Securities Times? Data treasure statistics show that C Ridi went public on the GEM today, with a closing price of 69.41 yuan on the first day, up 167.79%. The daily trading volume was 10.7297 million shares, with a turnover of 778 million yuan, and a turnover rate of 77.87%. According to public information from the exchange, on the first day of listing of the stock, the top five trading departments on the Dragon and Tiger List had a total transaction of 96.7485 million yuan, of which the purchase turnover was 72.353 million yuan, and the selling turnover was 24.3955 million yuan, totaling 47.9575 million yuan.

Specifically, among the sales departments on the list today, a total of 2 institutional dedicated seats appeared, namely buy four and sell one, with a total purchase amount of 10.6516 million yuan, a sales amount of 5.4067 million yuan, and a net purchase of 5.2448 million yuan. Other listed sales departments had a total net purchase of 42.7126 million yuan.